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Blog Questions Challenge 2025

Published: 4 Feb 2025 | Updated: 4 Feb 2025

Saw many folks answering these questions, so I thought, why not answer them too! If you have a site, please do also if so inclined. (Kudos to Annie Mueller's post for pushing me over the edge.)

Why Did You Start Blogging In The First Place?

I started writing on the internet to capture my notes from events and archive my existence, in the hopes of creating a time capsule for myself and something (hopefully) useful for others.

What Platform Are You Using To Manage Your Blog, And Why Do You Use It?

I'm not using any platform! When creating this site in March 2024, my aim was as simple as possible. So I use static HTML files, styled with CSS, and uploaded to my host's file manager.

While I sometimes wish it were 'easier' to add written works and update, it's worth it for the simplicity, the fast-loading times, and the ease of editing/debugging.

Have You Blogged On Other Platforms Before?

Indeed! I've used WordPress for work since 2016, and currently my book blog, Road Less Read uses it. I want to convert that site to static HTML, but haven't made the time for it yet.

How Do You Write Your Posts?

When I'm taking notes at events, usually I do it on paper, then transcribe directly into a HTML file. Lately, though, I've started writing in markdown in Obsidian, and using an online tool to convert that to HTML. Makes the drafting process far more pleasant!

From there, I proof the HTML file, upload it to my host via FileZilla, record the addition in the changelog and the sitemap, and update the RSS file. And yes, I do this all manually!

When Do You Feel Most Inspired To Write?

Good question! Inspiration only seems to come for fiction. Until now, and aside from journaling, it'd never occurred to me to write 'personal non-fiction or essays.' I'm still new to this!

Do You Normally Publish Immediately After Writing, Or Do You Let It Simmer?

I haven't written enough here to give a definite answer, but mostly I do two proofreads (once with software, the second time manually) before I publish.

If you've discovered a typo or grammatical error in my work, please, email me!

What’s Your Favorite Post On Your Blog?

Granted, I've only published nine times as of the time of writing, but so far, it'd be answering Proust's Questionnaire. I was alerted to the idea browsing Xanthe Tynehorne's lovely site and finding their answers. If you have a site, why not answer it too? (Please email me if you do!)

Any Future Plans For The Blog?

Publishing more often! And with a wider breadth of subjects. Writing to learn, think through ideas, and find folks who enjoy what I find fascinating.


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Statistics → Word Count: 476 | Reading Time: 2:38 mins

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