127+ Possibilities... Things You Can With Your Personal Site

Published: 1 Jul 2024 | Updated: 7 Aug 2024

The etchings we attempt to carve for ourselves in the great stone of the internet are mere lines of code, pixels on a screen, immaterial ones and zeros. Ephemeral snowflakes forever disappearing from our grasp.

Yet, in a way, they're parts of our souls.

No doubt you're an internet citizen (is there anyone left in this world who isn't?), but have you ever considered making your markings more permanent? With, say, a place to call yours?

Creating oneself a website is a worthy endeavor, and yet. It's an empty canvas like the vastness of space, so full of possibilities it's terrifying.

So I quell the overwhelm the only way I know how. With a list.

First, if you'll indulge me: some background.

I'm Zachary Kai, and though we're separated by time and space, allow me to wave hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, dear reader.

I'm more inclined to poetry and philosophy than programming, but the beauty of our shared humanity is our common knowledge. The only reason I learned to create my site is through the generosity of countless others, and I hope to continue that noble quest.

It took me seven years to muster the courage to finally dare to take up space on the internet. I hope you won't have to wait so long.

So, what of the ideas I mentioned?

They're a constellation of potentiality waiting to explode into life: features to add, pages to create, posts to write.

Dare I say this isn't just a list. It's an invitation to paint your corner of the web with your very essence. To build walls that showcase your strength, and to let them crack just enough to let your human show.

So. Take a deep breath, dear reader. Your journey to carving out your space in the digital infinity starts here.

(Some items have a linked '*' which take you to examples on my site, attempts at bringing some of these ideas to life.)

Table Of Contents

Features To Add


Design Elements


Site Structure



Pages To Add

Post Ideas



Statistics → Word Count: 1,536 | Reading Time: 5:35 mins

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